After the rush of tax season, many tax preparers find themselves searching for other income streams. The tax off-season can be a big challenge for tax preparers trying to maintain a steady income and secure a stable financial situation. The goal of course is to always be able to afford the necessities and live comfortably: mortgage, utilities, car payments, a family vacation (or two), etc.
To achieve this, some tax preparers consider taking on an alternate job to supplement their income May through December. A few common options that provide stability include: freelance bookkeeping for another company(s), running payroll for small businesses, creating professional education (CPE) classes, doing estate planning, selling other financial products, etc.
One issue all these side-incomes have in common is investment; they require investing a lot of time and money to become trained and licensed in a whole other financial services field. Some tax preparers have turned to a completely different option in the off-season – credit repair services. This option allows them to be profitable year-round, and choose the when, where and how it fits their personal and financial goals.
Why Tax Professional are Choosing Credit Repair
The following are just a few of the many reasons tax preparation professionals are turning to credit repair services:
Most people in the U.S. need to improve their credit score. Everyone must file taxes, and everyone has a credit score. Most people in the United States can benefit from giving their credit score more attention and finding ways to improve it. As a credit repair consultant, you can help consumers understand how credit works and how it affects their everyday lives (from paying less over the life over the mortgage to buying a new car). Credit repair takes just 6 to 8 hours to learn, and you can expect to spend just 5 minutes a month per client.
Credit repair services will compliment your tax preparation business. Many tax preparers are shocked to see just how many clients they gain after they decide to offer credit repair services. As your tax preparation business slips into the off-season, you won’t have to seek clients elsewhere for credit repair. You have clients who need your services, and who already trust you with their financial information.
Adding to your skill set gives you even more credibility. Adding credit repair to your financial repertoire will only strengthen your financial background and credibility in the community. Pairing credit repair with your tax preparation business will make your services all the more indispensable to your clients.
Are you planning to pursue credit repair services? Consider securing payment processing services through an alternative provider. Since credit repair services are sometimes riskier in the eyes of a traditional provider, you can take advantage of the many industry leading options – like a credit repair merchant account – a high-risk provider can offer your new venture.
Author Bio: Electronic payments expert Blair Thomas co-founded eMerchantBroker, serving both traditional and high-risk merchants. His passions include producing … Read More...